SEO How to add a new website in Google Analytics

SEO How to add a new website in Google Analytics

Once you’ve built your website, developed content and given each page a unique title tag and meta description, it’s time to install Google Analytics. Google Analytics is free tracking software that lets you monitor how people use your website, as well as how they find it. From an SEO perspective, Google Analytics is a great tool for spotting opportunities to further optimize your website for specific keywords. Installing Google Analytics as soon as you launch your website gives you data right from the beginning, helping you further optimize later.

Installing Google Analytics is simple. Just visit and sign up using your Google account. Once you’ve configured your website in Analytics, you’ll need to paste your unique Analytics tracking code onto your website.

If you use WordPress, you can add the code using the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin. If you have a static HTML website, you can add the Analytics tracking code to each page by following Google’s instructions.
Search Console is Google’s platform for webmasters. It gives you access to valuable data about how your website performs in organic search, from the keywords for which it ranks to its search CTR for each keyword, total keyword impressions and other valuable metrics.

To add your website to Google Search Console, visit Since your site is already linked to a Google Analytics account, you can start using Search Console without any additional verification process. Search Console will keep you updated as to new opportunities to optimize your website for search, so make sure you check it every week or two.

Step1 : Login to google Analytics

Step2: Click Admin Settings at bottom left

Step3: The screen look like below. Creat a new property for your new website and then get the script to be placed in your website.

For Search console 
Step 1 : Login to

Step2 : Add your property. Your website URL

Step 3: Confirm the ownership

When you add your site to Search Console, it may take some time before diagnostic and other data is available. This is normal; it can take some time for Search Console to gather and process data for your site. In general, if you see a "No data yet" message, check back later. Once Google starts crawling your site more often, you'll notice that Search Console will begin to show more detailed data, and that this data is updated more often.

If you still don't see any data, it may be for one of these reasons:

If you are seeing no data for the site, it may be because you have added your site using To Google, these are entirely different sites. If you feel like you're missing some data, add both the www and the non-www version of your domain to your Search Console account. Take a look at the data for both sites.
If you see no data in the Crawl Errors report, it may be because Google simply didn't find any problems. That's great news—but we encourage you to check back regularly.
If you see no data in the Search Analytics report, it may be because people aren't yet clicking on your site in search results. Check out possible reasons why your site may not be performing well in search.
If you see no data in the Sitemaps report, consider helping Google discover content on your site by creating and submitting a Sitemap.

To redirect non-www traffic to www traffic for analytics do this.

Here's how to set up a 301 redirect in apache:
  1. Open up a text editor such as "Notepad".
  2. Copy the following line of code into your text editor, replacing with the URL you wish to forward your domain name to.
  3. Save the file as .htaccess.
  4. Upload the file to your web space.

Here's how to set up a 301 redirect in IIS Web.config:

<system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Redirect to WWW" stopProcessing="true"> <match url=".*" /> <conditions> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^$" /> </conditions> <action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer>

Here's how to set up robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Allow: Default.aspx
Allow: booking.aspx
Allow: faq.aspx
Disallow: import.aspx
Allow: packages.aspx
Disallow: payment.aspx
Allow: tnc.aspx
Allow: refer.aspx
Allow: partner.aspx

Sitemap: sitemap.xml

Here's how to set up sitemap.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns=""> <url> <loc></loc> </url> <url> <loc></loc> </url> <url> <loc></loc> </url> <url> <loc></loc> </url> <url> <loc></loc> </url> <url> <loc></loc> </url>

You also need to do SWOT Analysis which is strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. As If competitor A has good on-page SEO than yours, competitor B has high profile back links, competitor C has good content and web-copy optimization. These are the Strengths of your competitors and your weakness. Then you can also find good opportunities in competitor profiles like if they are using guest posting and editorial links and you are not using this technique. So you should go for it as well. Threats are your competitor is beating you on the SERP by high DA, PA and other 200 SEO Factors.
  • What advantages does your organization have?
  • What do you do better than anyone else?
  • What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't?
  • What do people in your market see as your strengths?
  • What factors mean that you "get the sale"?
  • What is your organization's Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
  • What could you improve?
  • What should you avoid?
  • What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?
  • What factors lose you sales?
  • What good opportunities can you spot?
  • What interesting trends are you aware of?
  • What obstacles do you face?
  • What are your competitors doing?
  • Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing?
  • Is changing technology threatening your position?
  • Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
  • Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?
